Wither of the Flowers is the current Queen of Witches and nemesis to the Kingdom of Fantasy.
Wither was born at the same time as Blossom, as her identical twin sister. When she was a baby, she was stung by a poisonous butterfly sent by Queen Cackle, thus turning her heart evil. Sometime later into her life, she leaves Crystal Castle and goes to Cackle to learn witch magic and how to be a witch. Cackle obliged, and soon she became powerful enough to rival her mentor.
She has tried usurping Blossom and her throne on more than one occasion, including when she disguised herself as Blossom and tricked Geronimo into collecting seven powerful objects she used to attempt imprisoning Blossom for all eternity; faking an infant Winglet's kidnapping and bolstering Dark Shadow's spread and attempting to make off with Winglet for real after the Dark Shadow's defeat; and bearing a daughter who she used to try to infiltrate Crystal Castle and gain the trust of the adult Winglet so she could potentially usurp her. None have completely worked so far, but it doesn't mean she won't keep trying.
She looks exactly like Queen Blossom in physical appearance: pale blue skin, blue eyes, blue hair in the exact same style as Blossom's, transparent wings, and a rose pendant with her name engraved on the back. The difference comes in her black dress, black flower crown and black shoes.Her hair is also darker than Blossom’s.
Wither's similarities with Blossom end with physical appearance. As the student of the former Queen of Witches, she embodies the description of a witch in the Kingdom of Fantasy: cruel, untrustworthy, arrogant, vain, disloyal, untrustworthy, has a strange penchant for horrible rhymes, and has a strange distaste for physical hygiene. She has a severe hatred of Queen Blossom, her goodness, and all her allies; and she seeks to destroy it all.
She is ruthless, not even bothering to try to act nice when disguised as Queen Blossom and give Geronimo even a modicum of help in his tasks to even remotely resemble Blossom, nor bother respecting her mentor Cackle, as she overthrows her with no hesitation in The Dragon of Fortune. Upon capturing Geronimo, Wolfy, the Ghost Guardian and the Magicarium (the last one being Mel the Magnificent's personal spell book), she without hesitation attempts to destroy the Magicarium and imprisons Wolfy so she can use her as blackmail against Mel the Magnificent, who is Wolfy's uncle.
She's also cunning and clever, being able to formulate complicated schemes that Cackle hasn't been able to top off. She's also willing to use people as pawns for her grander scheme like Geronimo and her daughter Flamelet, elevating further her ruthlessness and uncaring nature.
She holds herself very high, creating her very own castle, wrangling together the most powerful and most evil allies she could assemble, and is ambitious enough to desire conquering Geronimo's world as well as the Kingdom of Fantasy. Her sense of pride also means she doesn't take defeat well: she doesn't go down quietly, she goes down screaming and swearing her return and vengeance-- an opposite to her mentor Cackle, who takes a more regal, subdued and mutter-filled take towards defeat.
Despite all this, however, she seems to have a soft spot for her husband Crowbar the Cruel, the Prince of Darkness. The pair work together on Wither's grand schemes, Wither often uses Crowbar as a mount to get from place to place, and Crowbar's sweet-talking often leaves Wither lovestruck. Whether their relationship is genuine or some addition to Wither's grand scheme of conquest is unknown.