Trap Stilton is Geronimo Stilton's cousin. He is a joker who likes to play tricks and jokes on Geronimo. He is also a cheapskate like his grandfather William Shortpaws, which is probably why he owns the thrift store Cheap Junk for Less.
Trap is a very round mouse with medium-brown fur. In the early books, he wears a white collared shirt and blue pants held up by red suspenders. Later, he wears a yellow, short-sleeved, button down shirt with green palm tree patterns on it and blue pants. He also has a very short low ponytail, and a gold earring on his left ear.
In the show, he wears a light-green, short-sleeved, button down shirt with palm tree patterns on it and red shorts.
Trap is loud and obnoxious. He loves playing pranks that can sometimes be cruel, he also love joking around, even in the most inappropriate times. He believes he is a great cook, but Geronimo thinks otherwise. He has a large appetite, eating in every single book and often eats Geronimo's food as well. He has many friends all over New Mouse City.
In the TV series, Trap doesn't work for The Rodent's Gazette but travels along with Geronimo Stilton when he is called on. Trap is a bit of a joker and loves to play tricks on people, especially Geronimo, who he considers to be gullible. Trap has a big heart and he doesn't play jokes to be mean. Geronimo thinks Trap should join the real world while Trap thinks Geronimo should lighten up. He eats in every episode he appears in, or just hints himself of eating by grabbing a wheel of cheese from Geronimo's cheese collection.
Episode Appearances
Trap appears in every episode, except for "Stop Acting Around".
- In the books, Trap was not the smartest but he had some sense of reason, and less intelligence.
- In the show, Trap is strangely and easily frightened, much like Geronimo in the books.
- His appearance in both books and the show is surprisingly similar; he wears a his button down palm tree shirt, although in the books it's yellow and in the cartoon it's light green. The only differences are that and he doesn't have a ponytail, a golden earring and he wears red pants.
- In the show, he mentions that he owns a joke store somewhere in New Mouse City, but it was never featured in any episode.
- In one episode in the show, after turning into a genius somehow, he claims himself to be Sir Traparilius Stilton Esq., implying that he claimed to be a lawyer.
- In the cartoon series, it is implied that Trap is fairly sensitive about his weight.
- In the book series, whenever Trap causes trouble, they usually end up harming Geronimo, who generally ends up with the blame instead of Trap. In the cartoon, the others quickly catch on to Trap's troublemaking antics and punish him when he causes problems.
- In general, most of the characters except for Geronimo were more lenient with Trap's antics in the books. At the same time, it's made immediately clear that they have far less patience for his more foolhardy mannerisms in the animated series. This is most prominent in his relationships with Thea and Benjamin; they don't show too many reactions to his behavior in the books, but his antics in the series constantly elicit reactions of annoyance and exasperation from the two of them that match Geronimo's in intensity. Likewise, Geronimo rarely calls Trap out for his antics, but the rare times they butt heads in the books usually result in a very long argument. In the cartoon, however, Geronimo regularly voices his displeasure towards Trap and is more willing to confront him for it, and Trap's usual response is to either retreat in a cowardly manner or petulantly resist until he concedes defeat.
- In the book The Hunt for the Colosseum Ghost, Geronimo has a niece named Trappy. This could possibly be Trap’s daughter.
- Throughout the book Out of Time , Trap has a crush on Creepella von Cacklefur.
- Its possible that Trap gets compared to Benjamin while he is a child he acts more mature than Trap while he acts like a child.
Description according to Atlantyca
"Trap doesn’t work at the Geronimo Stilton Media Group, well not officially. At times, he will get called upon by Geronimo to help out.
He lives in an old caboose that he renovated himself and although a self-proclaimed ladies Mouse, he doesn’t take much care of his appearance.
Trap is also a prankster. He has so many joy buzzers, whoopee cushions and sneezing powder packets he could open his own joke shop on Mouse Island. Geronimo is often on the receiving end of Trap’s pranks and jokes, which is not so funny for Geronimo, but very funny for everyone else."