The Karate Mouse is the fifty-second book in the original Italian Geronimo Stilton series and the fortieth book in the English Geronimo Stilton series by Scholastic. It was published on June 2010.
Geronimo Stilton gets caught up in the World Karate Championship, thanks to the efforts of Bruce Hyena and Shorty Tao, Bruce's super-sporty cousin. Geronimo only has a week to become real champion material. Under the training of Sensei Yamamouse, Geronimo gets better at Karate. He learns about the Dojo Kun, learns that Karate teaches respect and honesty.
Geronimo plays a match with Mousoshi Champrat from Japan. He runs around the mat until Mousoshi gets tired, then he made a powerful jumping-front-reverse-roundhouse kick and wins the match. Then, to his surprise, the loudspeaker announced that Geronimo was the winner! Shorty Tao tells him that the Peruvian had a pulled muscle, so he backed off, the Italian dislocated a knee, and the Chinese athlete slipped in the locker room, and after that he couldn't remember a single karate move, so Champrat and Geronimo were the only contestant left!
- In the book, Mouse Island's flag is shown. In one image in Pg 74, the Mouse Island flag is shown as having a white background with a slice of golden cheese in it, white two stripes on the top like the stripes on Israel's flag. In Pg 78, the flag is shown as a having a white background with a slice of cheese, but it doesn't have the stripes.
- The book also reveals the Mouse Island National Anthem. It goes like this:
A thousand voices squeak as one, A thousand tails proudly wag, A thousand whiskers boldly quiver, A thousand paws raise your yellow flag! Under our fur, a thousand hearts beat for you, Sweet, sweet, Mouse Island.
- Geronimo and Champrat winning the competition doesn't make sense, because in the illustrations on page 78 and 79 show a Philippine, Ferdinand Mouscos, coming in third place, and the audience waving flags of countries not mentioned.