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The Dragon of Fortune is the second book in Geronimo Stilton's Kingdom of Fantasy series.


I, Geronimo Stilton, traveled on the wings of the Dragon of Fortune back to the Kingdom of Fantasy! I was called there by my friend Blossom, Queen of the Fairies, who needed my help.
The enchanted Winged Ring had gone missing! This was terrible news. The ring allows its owner to travel between the Kingdom of Fantasy and the real world-which would be a dangerous power if it fell into evil hands. Could I find the ring before it was too late?


Warning! This article section contains major spoilers. Read on at your own discretion.


The story begins with Geronimo waking up from a nightmare where Wither and her Dark Fairies played their bewitched silver violins and sang a song about tearing a veil when the time is right. After shaking the memory of the dream, he dresses up, rushes to work, and quickly realizes that it's peculiarly dark and dreary for the first day of spring: The northern wind was blowing in and making things unbearably chilly, the only birds around were crows that were cawing ominously, it was a dark foggy day rather than an ambient sunny spring day, and all flower fragrances were completely snuffed out by the putrid scent of sulfur. Walking down to the Rodent's Gazette, he finds that all the mice in the neighborhood could barely sleep a wink. He also hears a mysterious flapping of wings and finds a mysterious snow-white feather.

Once he arrives at the Rodent's Gazette, he finds his entire staff sleeping, apparently also having had a terrible night's sleep. Upon waking them up, he discovers that everyone had nightmares about fairies dressed in black playing silver violins. Geronimo ponders whether this could be no coincidence and the work of Wither. He then remembers that he had misplaced the Winged Ring he received from Blossom in The Phoenix of Destiny, and he wonders whether or not it's still in his nightstand's cupboard where he left it.

He returns home to check on the ring, finds another white feather, and discovers a giant snow owl at his window. (Said snow owl is the one who'd been following him since he awoke.) The owl asks Geronimo if he has "it", and soon Scribblehopper and Chatterclaws, who were mounted on the owl with Blue Rider, ask him the same question.

Geronimo quickly learns that they're asking about the Winged Ring and checks the nightstand, to find the ring missing. A crow feather next to the nightstand, a crow's tracks on the floor near the nightstand, and a crow's peck mark on the nightstand's drawer draw to one conclusion: the Winged Ring was stolen and the culprit is the infamous Prince of Darkness-Crowbar the Cruel, who is rumored to wed Wither.

Chatterclaws begins berating Geronimo for placing an item as important as the Winged Ring in a nightstand, and exasperated at Geronimo's innocence, the trio from the Kingdom of Fantasy explain the ring's magic-enhancing properties (it multiplies its wielder's power by a thousand percent) and deduce that the dreariness of Mouse Island can be chalked up to Wither potentially beginning to invade Geronimo's world. Chatterclaws begins to wax eloquent about how the Fairy Court and what horrendous punishment lies in store for Geronimo due to his failure to protect the ring, but Scribblehopper, in his attempt to shush Chatterclaws, ends up revealing to Geronimo that he has gone from a beloved hero to a despised traitor, his title "Prince Fearless of the Winged Ones" stripped and replaced with "Foolish One, the Mouse Who Lost the Winged Ring".

Geronimo is to be brought to the Fairy Court, but as the Kingdom of Fantasy's inhabitants will now be unapologetically and irreverently hostile towards him, Blue Rider lumps him into a peasant disguise and has him come with them to the Kingdom of Fantasy on the snow owl's back. On their way, they cross paths with Crowbar the Cruel in his massive crow form. Crowbar attempts to kidnap Geronimo, but Blue Rider slashes at his claws with his sword. Crowbar retreats and the group continues on their way, into the dark cyclone which is the tear Wither has presumably made as a portal between the two worlds.

The Kingdom of Fantasy

After a rough night's travel under turbulent weather, the group arrive at the Kingdom of Fairies at dawn. Geronimo quickly finds that upon landing, the group at the Crystal Castle (which includes King Skywings of the Blue Unicorns, Scribblehopper's mother, King Factual and Queen Cozy, Goose Blahblahblah, and Strongheart the giant) don't hesitate to throw a rotten tomato at him, address him as Foolish One, and call him a traitor to the kingdom, a furbrain, Mister Shameful, and Mister Honorless. Needless to say, Geronimo's good reputation built up from the first book up until this point has been completely destroyed, and now everyone in the Kingdom of Fantasy hates him.

Blue Rider has the crowd back off from Geronimo (also addressing him as Foolish One) and leads him into the Crystal Castle. Geronimo soon meets with Queen Blossom, who gently scolds Geronimo for failing to protect the Winged Ring and tells him that Wither has not only surprised her by having the guts to go all the way to Mouse Island to get the ring but she's assembled a new Great Witch Council and is now attempting to usurp Cackle's position as Queen of the Witches by using the Winged Ring as leverage.

After Blossom explains the Winged Ring's origins, the two are called to the Fairy Court. Blossom is tried and admits that she gave the Foolish One the Winged Ring and failed to warn him about the dangers of protecting the ring. This violates Fairy Law #6, which states that every fairy is to protect all the kingdom's secrets from those who may misuse them, and in accordance with Fairy Law #7, Blossom is slated to be stripped of her fairy powers and is exiled from the Kingdom of Fantasy for all eternity. Geronimo is also tried and berated for putting an item as important as the Winged Ring in an unlocked nightstand drawer. Geronimo pleads for a chance at redemption, and the members of the Fairy Court leave to deliberate.

While waiting for them to return, Geronimo asks Blossom for advice, and she discreetly discloses to him information about the Secret Alliance consisting of Mel the Magnificent, The Clever Chameleon and the Lady of Dreams; she tells Geronimo to head to the Bright Empire to consult Mel the Magnificent, and she hands him a map to the Bright Empire and her Sparkle Flower pendant so the Alliance will know to trust him.

The Fairy Court returns, and Judge Fairy Strictwings delivers her verdict: Geronimo is declared guilty of losing the Winged Ring, but he is given one moon cycle (approximately a month) to redeem himself and recover the Winged Ring; should he fail to do so in time, Queen Blossom is to be deposed and exiled eternally, and a new King or Queen of the Kingdom of Fantasy elected.

At that moment, Prince Willard the Weaselly, the self-proclaimed Taker of the Throne of the Kingdom of Fantasy makes his entrance along with Princess Willamena to treat his intentions of becoming monarch after Blossom as fact, and the fact that he's already made preparations for his coronation. Luckily Strictwings brings order to the room, though Willard and Willamena don't fail to rub it into Geronimo that he lives up to his title of Foolish One and can't be trusted with a task as monumental as returning the Winged Ring to Crystal Castle. Strictwings is almost convinced to revoke Geronimo's second chance, but Geronimo's genuine desire to make up for his deeds convinces her to push through.

Geronimo is now sent off on his quest to redeem himself.

The Foolish One's Journey Down the Road of Illuminated Hope

Geronimo is bundled with essential supplies for the journey and soon he sets off on the Road of Illuminated Hope. No one he passes by on the road recognizes him because of the hood drawn over his head, but that doesn't stop them from gossiping and blaming Geronimo for everything about to take place in the kingdom, from Blossom's potential exile to Willard potentially taking the throne on behalf of the Seven Tail Dynasty.

The first seven days and nights of near nonstop walking are uneventful besides Geronimo's constant nightmares about the Dark Fairies and their silver violins. He eventually runs out of food and runs into Cleverwing, who recognizes him immediately, sells him an uncomfortable and tacky apple tree costume, warns him about the sprites in his destination Green County, and scams two gold coins out of him in exchange for raven rations that is completely inedible and useless to Geronimo. Geronimo continues nonetheless despite the discomfort of the costume and his hunger, and he eventually finds a sign pointing to Green County. He spends three days travelling until he gets robbed by the local Little Thieving Sprites and finds the gates to the Green County.

The Green County

Geronimo asks the Green Gate at the entrance to let him pass, and the Green Gate responds by having him answer the Green Puzzler, to which he gives the correct answer with the help of the nightingales leaving in the forest nearby. He goes through the seven forests in the county: the Forest of Green Whippers, the Forest of Green Caners, the Forest of Green Biters, the Forest of Green Stingers, the Forest of Green Rushers, the Forest of Green Trippers, and the Forest of Green Trappers. After enduring the tribulations of the forests, he comes across a clearing.

As he hadn't eaten in at least ten days at that point, Geronimo hungrily moved towards the raspberries to partake in some, but he is stopped by Three Chestnut Tree Brothers, three walking trees that patrol and guard the Green County from those who could damage the county. The trees accost him of attempting to destroy and/or slander nature and refuse to believe that he didn't do anything wrong besides try to satiate his hunger. After Geronimo elaborates on how he'd never slander or damage nature and tells him of his mission, the trees decide to accompany him to the Circle of the Tree Guardians so they can decide his fate. They also give him candied chestnuts to give to Mel the Magnificent.

Once Geronimo arrives at the Circle of the Tree Guardians, the twelve sentient oak trees test him to determine whether he is a friend of the fairies or the witches. Geronimo tries to show them the Sparkle Flower, but they refuse to make an exception because of their sheer distrust of him after his incompetence. Geronimo manages to pass their test and win their trust, and he's let into the Bright Empire.

The Bright Empire

Geronimo quickly finds himself at Mel the Magnificent's castle Sparkle Rock, and he is received at the entrance by a phantom knight who immediately lets him in upon hearing that he is there to visit Mel the Magnificent. He hears the sound of piano music (and the sound of someone sneezing) and follows it until he finds a great mirror covering a hidden passageway. He moves the mirror aside and finds Mel the Magnificent playing a golden grand piano.

Geronimo quickly explains to Mel the Magnificent what's happening, and Mel flips out upon learning about Blossom's situation and demands to know "who was the fool who let the ring get stolen". Geronimo begrudgingly admits to his mistake, and Mel (after pointing out how Geronimo does in fact look like a Foolish One) admits that he already knows of the situation and is willing to help.

Mel asks Geronimo for his plan, to which he quickly realizes that Geronimo doesn't have one besides "rely on Mel". With this, Mel brings Geronimo to his crystal ball the Ball of Marvels (which allows Mel to see anything and everything that happens in the Kingdom of Fantasy), discloses that he's been following all of Geronimo's journey through the ball, and after a quick jab telling Geronimo about how foolish and accident-prone he is, he consults the Ball of Marvels.

The Ball of Marvels reveals how the Winged Ring was stolen: While Geronimo was asleep after a night of trying new recipes, Crowbar the Cruel had snuck into his bedroom and stole the Winged Ring from his unlocked nightstand drawer and brought the Winged Ring to Wither, who is currently using her enhanced powers to create a new Dark Castle in her image. The only way to get the Winged Ring at this point is to travel to Dark Castle, find the Ring and survive.

Mel is about to berate Geronimo for his foolishness (Geronimo had fearfully asked if he could at least send a call or a text before leaving for the Dark Castle) when a loud noise interrupts him. The two swiftly make their way to the School of Wizards and the first-year students' classroom, of which Mel is the adviser. Mel brings order back into the chaotic room of wizard students, confiscates their wands and has them write the Magic Laws a thousand times as punishment for their rowdiness; a student who turns out to be Mel's niece Wolfy protests her punishment, but he insists nonetheless and introduces Geronimo to Wolfy while they're there. Wolfy in turn introduces Geronimo to her friends, one of which Geronimo's already met: Owlivia the owl wizard, who was the snow owl mount Geronimo rode to the Kingdom of Fantasy.

Mel returns to his study with Geronimo and summons the Great Magic Council to the room, which he magically remodels and furnishes to accommodate them. After a quick snack of magic cookies, Mel explains to them what must be done, and after the council once again berates Geronimo for his carelessness and foolishness as per usual, Mel explains that they have to help Geronimo get the Winged Ring, which is currently in a Wicked Safe secured by chains in the Dark Castle. He procures the enchanted key Open-Up for Geronimo to bring with him, lends him his mount Lightbright the Dragon of Fortune, and decides on a Goofy Ogre disguise for him to wear to the Kingdom of Witches. Geronimo politely asks if he can dress up as a friendly wizard instead of an ogre, to which Mel once again berates Geronimo for his foolishness and explains that wearing a wizard disguise to the Dark Castle is the equivalent of dressing up as a deer during deer hunting season: incredibly foolish. With that, Geronimo is bathed in vulture urine and bat poop, covered in swamp mud, dressed with a rotten moss wig and smelly algae clothes and cloaked in a cloud of flies for his ogre costume.

Wolfy suddenly bursts into the room and demands she be the one to accompany Geronimo to the Dark Castle. Mel is initially against it, but Wolfy convinces him to reluctantly test her worthiness to go on the quest. She is given three tests to test her skills that she passes with flying colors: a precision spell test, a transformation spell test, and a test to tame a Storm Dragon, the most volatile dragon species in the Kingdom of Fantasy. Seeing Wolfy's skills, Mel allows her to go to the Dark Castle under the condition that Ranger the Ghost Guardian (the phantom knight who received Geronimo at the castle entrance) go with her.

Wolfy begrudgingly agrees, and Mel gives them a debriefing of what is to come: The Great Witch is to start the next day at midnight, and Geronimo, Ranger and Wolfy are to leave as soon as possible on Lightbright the Dragon of Fortune. They must arrive before daybreak because Lightbright will vanish at the first crack of daylight

After the Great Wizard Council meeting, Geronimo and Wolfy head to her dorm, where Owlivia, Beartina and Roxy Foxy are waiting. As an extra gesture to help Wolfy with her mission, her friends give her two spy hats to use on the mission-- one hat is a transmitter and the other is a receiver, and once Wither puts on the transmitter hat, Wolfy will be able to track Wither, see in her perspective and hopefully find the safe the Winged Ring is secured in. Geronimo asks Wolfy about a potential plan B should they ever need backup, and Wolfy introduces him to the Seven Von Wild Brothers, who will be their backup if necessary. After the brothers leave, Roxy helps Wolfy pick out a witch costume to wear, Geronimo faints from fright upon seeing it fully assembled, and Wolfy grumbles about Geronimo's cowardice while waking him up.

By dusk, Geronimo, Wolfy and Ranger stop by the Magicarium's room, head to the tallest tower of Sparkle Rock, and meet up with Lightbright. After clarifying things with Lightbright, he offers to give them a ride to the Dark Castle. Before they take off, the Magicarium, as it is Mel's sentient personal spellbook, flies towards the dragon and unexpectedly tags along.

The group is bid farewell by the Wizards of the Great Council, Wolfy's friends and the Von Wild Brothers, and they set off on their long journey to the Kingdom of Witches.

The Kingdom of Witches

The flight to the Kingdom of Witches goes by without a hitch at first (besides Geronimo having to break up a who-is-the-MVP argument between Lightbright, the Magicarium and Ranger). However, the frigid and putrid northern wind coming from the Dark Castle begins to slow Lightbright and wear him down, and this, unfortunately, stalls Lightbright enough that he is unable to complete the trip to Dark Castle, dropping the rest of the group into a swamp (presumably the Black Swamp) and forcing them to make the rest of the journey on foot. While on the way, Wolfy goes over their plan and warns Geronimo that he'll have to act like a grumbly, farting and burping ogre, and that while they're at the castle, Wolfy can't act nice towards him because genuine kindness is nonexistent in the Kingdom of Witches.

At the Dark Castle, Wolfy introduces herself as Witch Slyella of the Seven Scams from the Dukedom of Slyville, accompanied by her pet ogre Grumbledumpy and her anonymous bodyguard. She offers up the transmitter spy hat in its golden hatbox and bribes the vulture receptionist Dismal into giving them the penthouse room in the castle. While on their way to their room they pass by Wither's assistant Menace the Chattering Cat at the door to the Witch School. He is suspicious of Geronimo's mouse-like scent and almost blows his cover, but Wither calls for him, inadvertently saving Geronimo from being exposed. Cackle's former adviser Grosselda also passes by, and Wolfy discloses to Geronimo that witches are bound to be friendless, dishonest and disloyal scoundrels who can only use their magic for evil, and that being a witch is a life of nastiness both in hygiene and in morality.

At their room, Wolfy touches up her disguise with witch makeup with Geronimo's assistance, and the group marvel at the repulsiveness of the room's thorny bedsheets, the stink coming from the food on display, the uncomfortable humidity, and the panoramic view of Buzz Buzz Swamp.

Midnight chimes, and the group heads down to the Great Witch Council Room, where Dismal asks for their invitation to the event at the door. Lady Slyella makes up an alibi on the spot by berating Grumbledumpy (and kicking his butt) about him forgetting to "bring" their invitation, and she bribes Dismal with a sack of gold coins to let them in without an invite.

Inside the council, Cackle and Wither (wearing the transmitter hat) sit on the stage, Cackle being unusually nervous rather than her orthodox smugness. Crowbar the Cruel suddenly bursts in by breaking a window and meets up with Wither. For a moment, the two seemingly forget everyone else in the room and sweet-talk each other until Cackle interrupts them and redirects them to the situation at hand: the election for the Queen of Witches.

The two begin their presidential (or rather monarchial) speeches, Cackle promising the entire Kingdom of Fantasy, and Wither promising the entire universe and using the Winged Ring as leverage. As expected, Wither wins the vote by a complete landslide (to the point where no one at all voted for Cackle), and Cackle is driven out of the assembly, the latter promising to return.

The witches celebrate by shooting flames and bolts of lightning out of their wands, one of which singeing Geronimo, who inadvertently squeaks very loudly in shock. His cover is blown. Menace rats him out and Wither recognizes him as the Foolish One and Lady Slyella as Wolfy. She ransacks Geronimo's bag, finds the Magicarium inside it and attempts to destroy it; but fortunately for Wolfy and unfortunately for Wither, the Magicarium is a completely invincible sentient book that is completely untouched by flames and scissors. Wither resorts to throwing the Magicarium into the Buzz Buzz Swamp moat, which the book, though he is completely unfazed by it, still leaves him (and Open-up in Geronimo's bag) separated from Wolfy and Geronimo.

Wither declares that she'll use Geronimo and Wolfy as hostages to use as leverage against Mel, and she destroys Wolfy's wand and finds her second backup wand. With that, the Seven Dark Knights led by Menace and Bleak lead the group to the Thousand-Eye Cell, an inescapable cell with a thousand eyes on the walls that make escape impossible. Things seem hopeless, until Menace suddenly comes in, puts the eyes to sleep with a lullaby, and confronts Wolfy. Wolfy had stolen Menace's single strand of white tail hair that grants him his witch powers, and he's come to get it back. Wolfy offers him the hair but only if Menace helps them escape. Menace agrees after being given no other options, under the condition that they do not tell Wither how they escaped, lest Wither incinerates him.

The group is ushered outside the castle and Wolfy returns Menace's white hair. Wolfy reveals to Geronimo that the spy hat aspect of their plan was successful, she now knows where the Wicked Safe is in the castle, and the only hitch in their plan is the fact that the Magicarium has to be retrieved from the moat so they can find where Wither's laboratory is. Naturally Geronimo is tasked with swimming into the moat, passing the swamp crocodiles, the fanged fish and the poisonous ticklish serpents to get the book, but he is given tips on how to deal with the aforementioned creatures by Wolfy. Geronimo successfully gets the Magicarium and his bag from the moat.

By the time the group was broken out of the Dark Castle, it was midday, and since witches were nocturnal and Wither was therefore asleep, it was the perfect time for them to reach the Wicked Safe. Wolfy reveals her hidden third wand and uses it to cast a spell that turns the Magicarium into a giant book the group can ride to Wither's secret laboratory. Despite the Dark Castle suddenly conjuring the north wind and almost knocking them off the Magicarium, the group somehow makes it into the laboratory. As the spy hat wasn't able to find the safe's exact location, they're forced to search the lab for the safe themselves. Geronimo soon finds it in a secret hatch on the floor, opens it with Open-up, and uncovers the Wicked Safe. He unlocks the safe's seven locks and finds the Winged Ring inside, but upon trying to pull it out, the bewitched safe bites Geronimo's hand and wakes up Wither by alerting her of the intruders.

Now awake, an enraged Wither grabs her wand and attacks the group. Wolfy challenges Wither to a duel for the Winged Ring, and Wither accepts, promising a "magic duel of all times" that will be spoken about for years, no forever, in the Kingdom of Fantasy.

Wither's Dark Knights bring them to Buzz Buzz Swamp, and the duel begins. Wither makes good on her promise and the duel spirals into a "battle to end all battles".

On Wither's side, she ends up summoning the following: the Dark Fairies; the Monsters of the Four Directions (North, South, East and West); Stinkypus; Toxic, the Monster Scorpion with a Thousand Tails; Gloom, the shadow of sadness; Crowbar the Cruel and his 333 dark crows; all the sorcerers and witches of the Kingdom of Witches. To counter Wither, Wolfy summons her friends Owlivia, Roxy Foxy and Beartina; the Von Wild Brothers; Lightbright the Dragon of Fortune; Unity the enchanted unicorn; the Clever Chameleon; the eastern wind to dispel Crowbar's army; Mel the Magnificent; the Lady of Dreams; and the wizards of the Bright Empire. The battle is brought to a stalemate until Mel brings together the Secret Alliance (with Blossom represented in absentia by Geronimo) and has them cast a spell to dispel the witches. Wither's side is scattered by the bright flash of pure light summoned by the spell, and in her retreat (perhaps because she went in for one last fireball aimed at Geronimo) she inadvertently drops the Winged Ring and Geronimo collects it.

The Return to Crystal Castle

The battle took an entire day and night, and at this point, the month Geronimo was given to return the Winged Ring is almost up. Moreover, the gap between the two worlds Wither made has to be closed by dawn if Geronimo has any hope of returning to the Crystal Castle in time. Falling into despair, Geronimo laments how he doesn't know how to close the gap, to which the Clever Chameleon rolls his eyes and says the gap can be fixed with a needle and a thread. The chameleon fashions a large crystal needle out of the puddle of Geronimo's tears, the Lady of Dreams teaches Geronimo a song of love and harmony to make the special golden thread needed, and Lightbright brings Geronimo up to the gap between the two worlds. Geronimo literally stitches the gap closed with the needle and thread, and soon he makes his way back to the Kingdom of Fairies.

Geronimo arrives at the Crystal Castle before dawn. At the ceremony room is Blossom's unoccupied throne, a crownless gloomy Blossom, a banquet table ready to celebrate the coronation of a new monarch, and Prince Willard the Weaselly and his entire court moved into the castle in advance for his "inevitable" coronation. As Geronimo enters, the fairies and Willard automatically assume Geronimo had failed to retrieve the Winged Ring and save Blossom from her impending exile, but Geronimo presents the ring to the Fairy Court to prove his success. Judge Strictwings confirms it is the real ring, and as promised, Blossom is returned to her position as Queen of the Kingdom of Fantasy. Willard and his sister Willamena despair over the gold crown, the silver royal scepter, the banquet of thirty-three thousand pizzas, the fancy document-signing pen, and the printed coronation invitations the two prepared for the coronation; until they console themselves and find ways to use the things they prepared. (They find no other way to work around the thirty-three thousand and thirty-three pizzas besides eating them up themselves with the help of a thousand fizzy tablets.)

Blossom is crowned the queen of the Kingdom of Fantasy once again and everyone pledges their loyalty to her one by one, including the fighters from the witch duel the previous day and the Secret Alliance. Geronimo politely asks if he can regain his title of Fearless, Prince of the Winged Ones, but Mel and the Clever Chameleon berate Geronimo for thinking that just because he gave back the Winged Ring doesn't mean he deserves the title Fearless One. The Clever Chameleon offers to take Geronimo under his wing and train him to become a real hero of the Kingdom of Fantasy. As reassurance, Geronimo is told that though his training in the chameleon's home the Bright Mountains could take a long time, time won't pass at all in Mouse Island and it'll be the same time he left when he returns.

Geronimo agrees, bids farewell to the people at Crystal Castle and begins the long, arduous walk down the Road of Light to the peak of the Bright Mountains, where the Clever Chameleon's dwelling place is built.


  • Geronimo never regains his title "Fearless, Prince of the Winged Ones" in the subsequent books. He is instead addressed by the title "Fearless Knight".
  • It's heavily implied in the illustrations that most of if not all of Geronimo's friends in previous books had turned on him since he lost the Winged Ring. It's unknown what his relationship with them is like in the later books, and whether or not it's restored.
  • Despite Geronimo's satchel being stolen by the Little Thieving Sprites outside of the Green County, he somehow has it again when he enters the Bright Empire.
  • Whether or not Geronimo actually gave Mel the candied chestnuts from the Three Chestnut Brothers is unclear.
  • The time Geronimo takes in his mission ost track of when he enters the Green County, but if you do the math, take into account how Geronimo found the Green County sign "at dawn", assume Geronimo spent seven days enduring the tribulations of the Green County's forests and spent a day answering the Green County test, the amount of days the entire book takes place totals up to approximately 22 days, which is a week short of Geronimo's time limit of 29 days. (needs confirmation from the non-English copies)