Geronimo Stilton Wiki

Simon Squealer is the secondary antagonist of Geronimo Stilton. He is New Mouse City's most famous radio host in the books, and Sally Ratmousen's beleaguered assistant in The Daily Rat (TV Show).


Simon Squealer in the earlier books is a renowned radio host who talks about gossip in New Mouse City. His status later on is unknown.

In the TV show he works as Sally Ratmousen's assistant, henchman and lackey. Despite having his thunder stolen by Sally multiple times and himself remaining completely uncredited for all his work, his paycheck is the only thing keeping him under the brutal work conditions he faces in The Daily Rat. At one point he does confront Sally on being always discredited for his work and asks to receive full credit (rightfully so) for an article he wrote, but a scowl from Sally makes him back off and give up trying to convince her.


Simon is a rat with shaggy dark cream and white fur, brown bulging eyes and a red nose (as per his design in the Geronimo Stilton TV Show). His fur is slicked back long fur at the back of his head, his sharply protruding snout has a very noticeable overbite, his bulging eyes have eyebags beneath them, and his large ears are slicked back.

His outfit in the books consists of a white dress-shirt with a beige wool vest over it, a yellow bowtie on his collar, and matching wrinkly pale purple blazer and pants. In the TV show his bowtie is forest green and his wool vest is a dark lime color.


Simon's very brief book appearance in Paws Off, Cheddarface! and his nature as a gossip radio host makes him out to be a fast talker with a persistently nosy disposition. He's rather quick to come to conclusions and is willing to egg on people he's talking to if it means getting what he wants, in this case for "Geronimo" to hold up his end of a supposed deal and disclose the gossip he allegedly promised.

Simon in the TV show is a sneaky and obnoxious troublemaker who skillfully plagiarizes news sources for The Daily Rat and gets a kick out of generally causing trouble, to the point where celebrities all hate him. He frequently argues with Sally and is very irked about never getting any credit for any of the work he's done for The Daily Rat (the honor all going to Sally). The main thing stopping him from outright quitting, accepting being fired, or resigning is his paycheck (and perhaps his cowardly nature), and this desire is what keeps him doing every ridiculous task Sally asks of him and butting heads with the Stiltons as per Sally's tasks.

Book Appearances[]

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]


  • Simon Squealer is voiced by Brian Drummond which voiced Geronimo Stilton, Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, Garu from Pucca, Streaky The Supercat from Krypto The Superdog, Keo from Yakkity Yak, and Mr. Carrot Cake from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

