Geronimo Stilton Wiki
Geronimo Stilton Wiki

The following are the rules of Geronimo Stilton Wiki. Feel free to ask an admin or content moderator if you have any questions!

Code of conduct[]

  • Be civil – Every user is expected to treat other users with respect. Every user is equal here, regardless of how long they’ve been here, their edit count or even if they’re part of the wiki staff. Do not harass, use hate speech, threaten to harm or make personal attacks against other users.
  • Be collaborative – A wiki is built by the collaborative effort of its users. Being collaborative includes assuming good faith, being open to suggestions and working together.
  • Keep it clean – The Geronimo Stilton Wiki is a family-friendly site, and as such profane or offensive language or content is not allowed.
  • Respect the rules – Please respect the Manual of Style and other policy/guidelines pages. If you'd like to recommend certain changes, start a discussion about it with the rest of the community instead of just pages to your own taste.
  • Don’t do excessive self-promotion – As a collaborative community resource, the wiki is NOT a free place to advertise your related website, YouTube channel etc. Please ask an administrator about whether your links would be welcome.
  • Respect the Administrators and Moderators – The wiki staff team is there to monitor the wiki’s community safety and content standard, so please don’t take things personally against them and acknowledge any messages from them so that they know their message got through.


Violation of the wiki’s rules will result in at first only a warning from an administrator. However, if a user keeps on offending despite warnings, it will result in a block, in the user will be unable to edit or have any social activity on the wiki. The length of the block will start with 24 hours, and then will increase depending on the number and types of offenses. A user may be permanently blocked from the wiki if they are being overly unreasonable or disruptive.

There are cases where users are out to simply attack or disrupt the wiki. This is evident in cases of

  • Vandalism
  • Spam
  • Sockpuppetry
  • Attacking other users
  • Offensive language or hate speech

These offenses are not taken lightly and will result in an immediate block without warning.

If you feel that you are being blocked unfairly, you can appeal your case on an administrator’s message wall. If your appeal is denied, please do not press the matter any further with the Geronimo Stilton wiki staff. If you feel that the administration is being unfair please read on how to contact Fandom Staff about this.

Locked pages[]

Most of the wiki’s pages are free for anyone to edit, with the exception of very important pages like the wiki’s logo, policy pages, the main page etc. However, pages may be locked from editing in cases of persistent vandalism or spam, or to stop an “edit war”. To request that an article be locked/unlocked, please contact an administrator on their wall.
