Geronimo Stilton Wiki

Bronze Grade


Colette and Nicky's bio

Colette is a French member of the Thea Sisters, an adventurous friend group founded by Thea Stilton.

Physical Appearance

Colette is a blonde with tan-and-white fur and light blue eyes. Her default outfit consists of a blue turtleneck crop top, a pink jacket with upturned collars and blue rhinestones, pink bellbottoms, a blue belt with a silver buckle decorated with blue rhinestones, and a little blue and pink heart-shaped bag. In The Spanish Dance Mission, Colette's hair is straightened a little compared to her very wavy hair and her bangs are a bit lower. This hairstyle is retained throughout the rest of the series as of now, sometimes fluctuating between it and a hybrid of it and her old hairstyle.


Not much is known about Colette's parents besides the fact that their jobs involve a lot of traveling (enough for Colette to have to move to Paris with Julie), but Colette is still very close with them. Colette's cousin/apartment roommate Julie is a fashion design student who works part-time in Olympia Theater, and the two are very close, almost like siblings.


She was raised in Arles, Provence before moving to Paris with Julie in high school. Then she traveled to Mouseford Academy for college along with her four new friends; Nicky, Pamela, Violet, and Paulina.


Early on in the books, Colette came off as confident, somewhat insensitive and even a bit rude and self-centered in some of her interactions with some of the other Thea Sisters, particularly Violet, whose personality is the complete opposite of Colette's. Colette's confidence and occasional insensitivity is juxtaposed with her tendencies to panic and freak out when something doesn't go her way, like when she wound up at a party after being soaked in a billabong in Mountain of Fire and when the weather forecast in Paris reported rainy weather. Later in the books, a more common cause of Colette's comedic panic attacks is her being unable to decide what to wear.

Later on in the books, it is implied that she does learn to be more sensitive and doesn't make sarcastic and snide remarks nearly as frequently as she used to. She’s also become more practical in packing her belongings, where the earlier books have had her carry a ridiculous amount of ridiculously sized pieces of luggage as a running gag, later books see her easily pack just one suitcase or so and even adopt Pamela’s motto of practicality in Madagascar Madness.

It’s yet to be demonstrated in the books, but Colette is described in her bio and in letters as having a notoriety of being late because of the time she winds up spending on either makeup or choosing clothes, to the point where Paulina mentions in a letter she wrote to Maria in the French edition of the books that “if she has made a date with someone, the spiders have time to weave webs in their ears”.


  • Colette's favorite color is pink, but in some books like The Legend of the Fire Flowers and the Ghost of the Shipwreck, she is seen wearing more blue than pink.
  • In the first few books, Colette did not get along very well with Violet, the two having drastically different personalities and being at odds with each other in a few conflicts. As time went on, however, they eventually settled their differences and became very close friends.
  • Colette's bio does state that she doesn't like nicknames and the girls followed suit in the earlier books by addressing her only as "Colette"; but in the newer books, she is fine with being addressed as "Coco", a nickname first used by Violet.
    • Despite the English version of the Thea Stilton books stating that Colette doesn't like nicknames, the French and Italian version ironically has Colette have a penchant for giving the other Thea Sisters nicknames, with Nicky, Pamela and Paulina being given the nicknames Nick, Pam and Pauly (Pilla in the French), respectively.
      • Colette and Violet's initial ire towards each other is included in Colette's liking for nicknames, where Colette gives Violet two nicknames: Vivi and Princess (the latter being to spite Violet because of her perfectionist, “little mistress” attitude).
  • She is rarely seen using any simple French or exclamations when she squeaks as a normal French would such as sacre bleu. The only French words Colette ever uttered throughout the series were bonjour, mon ami, oui, non and Trés Chic, and even those terms were used rather sparingly.
  • In Legend of the Fire Flowers and Spanish Dance Mission, Colette is shown to be rather proficient at dancing the hula.
  • It is a running gag that Colette has the most luggage among the Thea Sisters, as shown in most books. This changed, however, in The Madagascar Madness, where she only packs one suitcase, much to the shock of everyone else.
  • Colette has admitted in The Missing Diary that a manicure can calm her down better than any cup of green tea, and that Violet just “doesn’t understand” this little nuance.
  • In A Dream on Ice, it is stated that Colette was a former competitive ice skater who quit because of a humiliating incident in a national tournament where she fell in the middle of her performance and messed up the rest of her routine.
    • This didn't stop Colette from considering ice skating as her favorite sport, however.
  • Colette is described at "not being the best singer" a couple times in the series, but she is decent enough to be the main singer in Mice Take the Stage.
  • Colette is revealed to be able to play the bass in the comic A Song for the Thea Sisters.

